Monday, 12 October 2020

How to Take Care of Your Home Septic System

It is hard for many people to believe that in the 21st century there are still settlements where there is no sewerage system. Of course, these are small villages, far from the main communal infrastructure, in which there really is no alternative but to build septic tanks in which to collect wastewater from the home and sanitary area. Septic system pumping Breslau are inherent in houses, villas and other buildings that are built at high altitudes, where it is difficult to build a central sewer. The commitment of the property owners in this case is responsible for periodic cleaning of the pit in order to reduce the risk of environmental pollution, the appearance of unpleasant odors and infections.

Which requires professional cleaning

Against the background of the fact that the small settlements in which there is a central sewerage system can be counted on your fingers, you can imagine how necessary it is to use the service of cleaning septic tanks. It is impossible to do it yourself, because first the volume of the pit is not small at all, and in addition it turns out that the contents should be transported to a place with a built sewer, in which to be disposed of. And this requires hiring a team with specialized equipment to perform:

Pumping the contents of the septic tank;
  • Cleaning;
  • Disinfection;
  • Transportation.
Cleaning septic tanks - protection and hygiene

Having septic tanks can cause a lot of trouble if they are not cleaned in time. The pit itself is an excavation, which in most cases is not safe and waterproofed, which allows for the entry of chemical compounds from the processes of putrefaction in the soil. Rainwater is a natural distributor of these compounds and thus has the precondition of an environmental bomb that can be transferred to the food grown near the septic tank. Infections, health problems are guaranteed and this actually requires a great deal of responsibility on the part of the property owners in view of the timely cleaning and disinfection of the sewage pit.

Cleaning of aseptic pits

The side effects that can result from your carelessness would definitely create a number of troubles. Therefore, do not underestimate this type of service and hire a team that has the ability to perform analysis and pumping, which will provide a normal operation of your primitive sewer system. professional companies rely on innovative methods and use:

Powerful technique for pumping septic tanks;

Mud cleaners;

Grease traps and other disinfectants are used to prevent the risk of environmental contamination.
The advice that professionals give to households that are not connected to central sewerage and rely entirely on septic tanks in their backyards is to conduct cleaning activities every six months. This will normalize the operation of the system, reduce the likelihood of floods and overflow of the pit, as well as ensure the ecological balance of flora and fauna in the area.

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